Most businesses are seeing an enormous engagement in their social media platforms, this is due to the lockdown situation.

Although this is a good thing with their business getting more engagement, they are wondering how to keep up with messages and response time on platforms to keep customers happy.

So how can you prepare for this increase in engagement on your social media?

Plan ahead with FAQ articles, they are a great gift to customers wanting to know more about your business, this can save your business a lot of time in explaining this over social media, on phone calls, and emails.

Make sure that your FAQs are written up and if you are missing one just update your FAQ page, don’t try to do it all at once, just do one at a time.

Have social engagement tools such as Hootsuite or other tools such as an auto-responder on your social media pages. On Facebook, you can set up an auto-response to help respond to customers if you’re not able to respond straight away. You can also mention in your auto-respond message how long it will take for you to respond to messages from customers, but only if you can respond in the time span that you give to them.

You could also have questions in the autoresponder that help you do your job quicker such as, to help us help you which email address is connected to your account, or what is the order number connected to your purchase.

Your engagement needs to also be done throughout your team, so they can be transparent with customers. Help your team by drafting up a response that your team members can use, it will help bring less stress to your customers and followers but also your staff as they will not be going against brand standards.

Make sure your staff are treated with the best standards! They way they are treated, impacts the way that your customers are treated. So try to put in a system that helps your staff feel respected, have empathy, loyalty, and kindness shown to them. You will see the difference.

Here are some tips and techniques in giving a good service when you have engagement over load!

Help spread out your business’s workload, by letting team members start later or earlier. This will help customers to have great engagement from your team and help conversations be upbeat and lively throughout the day.

Have team members focus on certain topics when responding to conversations with customers, that will help predictability and fast engagement with the response time as they know what to say.

So you have some starter points to handle the engagement response within your business but how can you measure success with engagement response times?

The key things to look for are :

  • How is your team coping under this pressure, can you change your tactics?
  • What trends have they noticed?
  • Could you do FAQs or a Live to help customers?
  • Can you answer faster, lowing your response time?
  • How many messages came in and how many were answered each week, and can this improve?
  • The time that is taken from the first message to the last. Measure the speed of completion.
  • Customer satisfaction score for helping them solve their problem. – You can create surveys to help you collect this data.

To find out more social media topics click onto the blog above. Or to ask us any questions please do not hesitate to contact us on an inquiry form.

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