If you have just started a business or you are in your first few years of business, you will no doubt know that it is a struggle to continuously find regular customers to your business.

It can feel like there are a million roadblocks in front of your road to success, your motivation and optimistic viewpoint begin to fail and this impacts your business.

But how can you turn this around?

We have a few steps that we have done now for coming up for 3 years!

The first step we have is to get everyone you know to follow your social media profiles, by telling everyone what you specialise in you may find that your business name goes further through word of mouth. And quite possibly you will find that your business receives referrals that come from your family, friends, and former colleagues.

The second step is to ask your paying clients or non paying clients to give you a referral. This will help you get around to ones in the community who need your services but do not know that you exist yet! Plus they have a positive reason to try you out.

The third step to not forget to get out there and let others know that you are a professional in your field. Share useful tips on how other businesses can utilise your services in their business. This is one of the best ways to get contacts of businesses that want your services, although they might not be ready to take on your services, they are part of your target audience and potential customers.

The fourth step to provide value to your audience make sure they can find what they need to know from your business. Be first to know what is happening and what is the newest product in your industry! Then get that knowledge and product out to the customer.

The Fifth and final step is to form relationships with ones in the same niche that offer the same or similar services, this is a great way to get ideas, share success stories and tips on what is working and for general advice.

Connections like these will benefit not only your competition but your business. When you are overbooked or clients do not fit your target audience you can refer them to the competition, these leads always remember your business and sets a positive image for your business.

Also, your competition turns into a collaborator and this can turn into an extra referral source that you can tap into.

Sometimes, the simplest ways of reaching out for new clients are the most effective. Be ready to explain what you do, ask directly for referrals do not shy away from doing this, and most importantly, add value wherever you go.

And before you know it, you’ll be raising your prices due to demand for your services, products, and customer service.

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