What are the benefits of using social media for your business?

There are now more than 3 billion people using social media networks across the globe and use these to engage with brands.

Instagram has 80% of people follow at least one business online, so by not having social media this could make you miss out on more potential customers and clients online.

So what are the benefits of social media for brand building:

1- To increase brand awareness – 60% of Instagram users say that they find new products on this platform! This means if you find something that your target audience will jump on, you will have a massive growth in followers and engagement.

2- Make your brand friendly – Have brand values, look for the best interests of your customers and employees that come to work with you. Make sure that your product is what you say it is.

Make meaningful relationships with each one of your customers and employees, make it so they never want to leave by always providing the best for them.

3- Be a brand leader in your thoughts and feelings on particular subjects – Be the go-to source for information on topics related to your niche.

Focus on how you can help others to see that you are ahead of the game, and how you remain ahead of the game. For instance when you think of fast food you probably think of the biggest fast food chain out there which is McDonalds. So if they said something relating to fast food you would take it on board.

4- Keep visible on social media– post every day on your social media platforms. Why? Because you want to be in your customer’s minds that it why adverts work. They repeat catchy songs and eyecatching images to help your brain do word association, and this helps you to remember a product or a service.

5- Increase your website traffic flow – you can do this by posting social media posts and directing ones who view your ads to the chosen website or landing page. Creating blogs can also help when your target market uses keywords that will direct them to your website.

6- Generate leads from potential customers – social media is an easy a low-commitment for customers to view your content about new products and services and draws them into making purchases as they are always seeing your content, so make sure you are making engaging posts.

7- Boosting sales – you can sell anything on social media, so what are you waiting for? Make sure you have a business plan and a marketing strategy on how you are going to get customers to see your products.

8- Partner with influencers – you can do this with word of mouth as it drives 20-50% of purchasing decisions with your customers, they love to see that someone has already taken the plunge and got that great feeling from it. It makes customers feel more at ease when they see that the product they have viewed for the past month has made them happy, and they are now willing to get it.

9- Promote your content – do this on your social media channels, make sure you know your product inside and out before presenting it to new customers, this will show your expertise and will help to grow your audience.

10- Go viral – When others share your content share theirs. This helps not only your name to get out there bu others as well, helping you get more engagement and views if you were only doing this by yourself.

11- Source content from others – source ideas from your customers asking questions, you can also get social listening applications that help you to focus on what you need to improve on as a business and gives you help to make sure you are ahead of the competition.

Source for your content from existing customers on their experience from purchasing your product or service. This is really what people want to know! For example a lot of clothes shops now have a section where others can comment about the fit and style of different body shapes in a piece of clothing, this has massively increased sales and lessened returns back to the company which results in overall profit for the business!

12- Reputation management for your brand – be in the ball by responding to all messages that are directed to your business. Highlight the positive and address the negative before that issue changes into a major problem.

Have positive comments and testimonials back up your statements from other customers or clients. This way it is not just you who is singing your praises but the ones who have come first hand with your business.

13- Crisis communications – don’t pretend that something didn’t happen or hide it from customers or clients. Talk about the problem that happened, apologise, and express to your target audience how you are going to solve and plan it so that it does not happen in the future.

Make sure your business has a policy plan on how to deal with crisis’ in your business, do not leave this to chance. This could ultimately destroy your companies reputation and how others see you as some may share negative and harmful comments.

14- Engage with your audience – social media is a two-way street you can not expect your audience to comment, like, or share if you are not doing so.

15- Provide customer support – aim to respond within 5 minutes! Quickly respond to complaints and they will more likely to be willing to pay more in the future for your products or services.

16- Monitor your audience’s engagement – you can do this in such places as Hootsuite. Choose what hashtags, keywords, and comments you will see from your profiles so you are first on the scene.

17- Learn more about your target audience – make sure you are familiar with your social media profiles on social media. These create real-time reports on your platform’s data, use this to learn more about when your customer is more likely to like your post and at what time, what content they like engaging with, and more.

18- Find out how ones’ feel about your brand – if there is a problem that keeps arising find out what has gone wrong and address the problem. Use a survey to find out exactly how ones’ feel about different areas of your business. If your customers point out an area that you can change to help them feel positive about your brand does not ignore the feedback, act on this.

19- Find out what your competition is doing – track mentions of what your competitors are doing and see if you can incorporate the best parts into your business.

When you monitor other companies’ social media you will know their every move, when they launch a new product, run promotions, and release new reports or data on your niches industry.

20- Keep informed with your industries news – Don’t get left behind stay relevant and consistant.

21- Target your audience through paid adverts – Social ads help to promote your business online. You can use these powerful platforms to target your audience through their habits on social media.

22 – Retargetting customers and clients – Nearly 70% of shopping carts are abandoned, you can retarget these to help them to buy, by sending an email or advertise your business on adverts on other pages. Facebook pixel can help your business keep being seen on Facebook, which helps ones’ to reaffirm their belief as to why they should buy from yourself.

23- ROI – use analytics to track your customer’s movements on how they interact with your business. Check your social media, conversions, email sign-ups, and ROI for both organic and social media campaigns. Use this data to and change your approach to gain more customers.

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