Most businesses are seeing an enormous engagement in their social media platforms, this is due to the lockdown situation. Although this is a good thing with their business getting more engagement, they are wondering how to keep up with messages and response time on...
Do you find Facebook posts confusing and difficult to do? Check out our quick and easy tips on how to write high engagement on Facebook posts everytime! Ask a Question – Be direct but don’t ask open-ended questions. Give your audience easy choices to pick...
What are the benefits of using social media for your business? There are now more than 3 billion people using social media networks across the globe and use these to engage with brands. Instagram has 80% of people follow at least one business online, so by not having...
Take advantage of our new offer for business with no social media profiles, for ‘FREE’. At Social Media Help, we wanted to give back to the community, by giving businesses help with their social media. We will set up your social media profile and make sure...
As a business do you wonder what social media platforms you could tap into that would be great for your niche, and that would attract more customers? Are you struggling to get noticed and viewed as one of the main leaders of your profession? Here are 13 social media...
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