When running a business that involves having an eCommerce shop you need to test and try new marketing strategies.

Why is this?

You want to be able to know what your audience most connects with during this time in your business. Remember that this doesn’t remain the same and what works now might not work in the future.

We have handpicked out marketing strategies that will help your business grow, evolve, and blossom!

Here are 50 ways your business can come out winning in 2020!

  • Create a content strategy before starting your marketing campaign, execute your plan. Make sure your audience knows why you’re trying to connect with them.


  • Generate an email marketing campaign that’s automated, make sure your customers have something that draws them back to buy more products from your online shop. We recommend MailChimp as it is free up to 3,000 customers.


  • Do different content for your social media platforms, keep it fresh innovated and interesting with the content you are posting.


  • Can you put a personal strategy into action, use your face to connect with customers. Everyone connects with a business they can engage with, as it makes them feel special and wanted. Use a CRM where you can keep track of all your customer’s information to have better interactions with them.


  • Make your own original content, this helps define you as the leader of your niche, as you provide original content and you know what you are doing! What is the original content? Videos, Blog posts, Audio segments, Ebooks.


  • Use contextual marketing, mix your product with humor and wit! Check some examples out.


  • Opt for user-generated content, get your customers to send you them using their purchases.


  • Have a loyalty program, this brings ones back to the store. Convince your most loyal customers to spend a little extra money, and they receive a reward for doing so.


  • Automate your social network, schedule your posts to go out for the month then you no longer need to think about these again for a whole month! You can concentrate on other important matters in the business that also need your attention.


  • Reach out to your customers in their native languages, this will show that you care if they can understand your online store and more people will buy if they can read your content.


  • A/B test your check out process, provide an amazing deal of the same product whilst comparing it to the product they are wanting to purchase! This will help them see that they will get more for their money for the same product.


  • Optimize your website or app for the mobile world, have your website compatible for viewing on a mobile phone. Make it mobile-friendly.


  • Make sure you have mobile adverts, having adverts that appear on your customers mobile will help you to sell more to them. Customers shop when they are bored, waiting for something or someone to arrive and browse even when shopping for another entirely different product.


  • Brand yourself with your own voice, have your voice hear on your social media by making it unique to the public. Keep your way of talking to the customer as they will go if you hire too many ones to write your companies voice over social media.


  • Show who works for your company, when you show who works for your company your customers will enjoy talking and getting to know your staff members. They will feel more comfortable and at ease when conversing with them. Have pictures on your website or on the drop-down bot section when conversing with the customer if they need help.
  • Can you have a mascot? Creating a fictional character to connect with your customers helps to go a long way.


  • Build authority online, with online discussion areas, build an online community with ones who love what you do, and attract other companies or customers to what you do.


  • Personalise your experiences with your audience, make sure you target ones who have looked at a particular item or product and remind them that it is still there to purchase or renew if they have brought it a few months back.


  • Make your delivery the best, make sure your delivery is on time or faster than it said your product would arrive. Also to make sure that the products ordered are right and have no mistakes.


  • Reach out to those customers near your store, find them with geolocation tools and local search engine targeting.


  • Send out alternative marketing techniques, such as freebies as anniversary discounts or messages to show how long they have been connected with your business.


  • Create a connection through videos, create a show, and tell YouTube channel to connect to your audience. You could help customers by showing them with a tutorial how to use products, where to use these products, why should you get these products, is this product the same as another product, and is it better than the more expensive or cheaper product. You could also do the best ways to use this product, or how to find our store and how to return items back to our store. The list is endless.


  • Get creative with your FAQs, specify what will come back in store if it is a popular product that has run out of the store. For example at the moment there is a shortage of hand sanitiser and toilet roll, you could mention when you have run out of these items and when they will be back in your store ready for purchase and also how many are customers and businesses able to receive at one time.
  • Provide photos into all of your content, people are more likely to keep reading if they have photos to keep them engaged with what you are saying. Try to use professional photos that you have taken or a free site that allows you to use professional photos.


  • Stay up to date on your industry news, make this news easy and clear so customers are able to understand this straight away.


  • Join the Reddit Pool, join this forum to discuss with different ones about your business and the likes and dislikes of the industry that you are in.


  • Launch your stores on multiple platforms, such as eBay, Facebook Marketplaces, Amazon, Shopify, Bigcommerce, and more.


  • Have popup email capture modules, when someone enters your website off a percentage off of their first purchase with a time limit attached so that customer or business will feel the need to put that code to good use.


  • Make use of that email newsletter, make sure you do this weekly or monthly to share unusual content and personal messages.
  • Remind your customers of their wishlists or favourite items that are stored, don’t let them forget that they want these products or services!


  • Look at getting feedback back from your customers who have purchased items from yourself, check if it is the quickest way to buy products, get ratings and reviews by sending out a feedback form. Once you do this, you will need to do changes where necessary to avoid customer disappointment.


  • Focus on Free Marketing, write blogs, do Facebook and Instagram stories, engage in social media groups on Facebook and other platforms.


  • Implement a plan for monthly market research, this is to be ahead of your niche and competitors. Are you bringing out a new product? Do you know that this will be a success? How will your customers respond? Let your customers be the judge of what you should sell.


  • Donate products for others to review, you could see a review in the newspaper if you send a product for the writers and editors to test out. This not only helps their reviews, but it is a little gift in exchange for exposure to a large audience.


  • Produce a Free giveaway item for your customers, will they be so lucky to receive one of your products or services? Prompt ones to not only receive a product or service but to give email signup or a follow to your business page on social media so you are able to build up a following.

To find out more social media topics click onto the blog above. Or to ask us any questions please do not hesitate to send an inquiry form.
Alternatively, email us on info@socialmedia-help.co.uk to get started on your personal package!

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