It doesn’t matter what your brand is all about, having your name out there is very important. Even though it can be hard, social media can be the best place for this. There may be a lot of competition on the online web which is why you need to make sure you stick out of the crowd. There are a couple of things that can help you stand out. If applied on a regular basis can help you to gain more exposer.

  1. Grab their attention straight away

Most people on social media have a very short attention span. You need to make sure they are reading all of your caption or watching all of the video you post. You could do this with a catching headline, a joke or even a cliff-hanger.

2. Show your emotions and allow them to get involved

Use posts that invoke motion and that helps your audience to get attached. Find away to get your audience to put themselves in other shoes. Ask them question and actually listen to what they have to say.

3. A joke wouldn’t go amiss

Most companies are very serious and by posting a meme or a video that you find funny but is appropriate it can really boost your likability as a company. This helps your connect with you as they feel they’re dealing with a human not a robot.

If you use these three hacks and adjust them to suit your business, you’ll see a rise in your viewers. But this takes time to build up engagement, but stick it with it, and you’ll see that followers number increase.

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