When starting your social media profiles, you need to make sure that you are targeting your audience on the right platforms.

When you create a social media profile you are creating more awareness to your brand and interest, which in turn helps you to generate more sales because you are targeting the audience that is the most interested in your business.

Most social media purchases happen in this order, consumer, awareness, interest, sale, word of mouth.

How can you make sure your business is a success from the start?

1. Your business needs to post regularly, you can either do this by creating each day content to post out or,  you can schedule social media automation of posts that can be done weekly or monthly to stay ahead of the game.

2. Regularly check who your target audience is by taking the analytics of Instagram or Facebook Twitter and any other social media profiles that you have.

3. Make sure you are using real questions when answering your FAQs, this will show the customer that you were actively wanting to answer questions and you are actively answering them in real-time.

4. Make sure you are listening to people’s problems and providing a solution, sharing valuable content that will draw their attention to your business, and liking and commenting on the target market’s social media to grab their attention.

5. Make sure your response time is within an hour, as customers do not want bad customer service and will leave a negative review on your social media. This is something you do not want when starting out as it is very hard to change people opinions when starting out.

6. Pretend you are the customer and use keywords that will help them find your business and to follow your brand. Then you can use this in your content and it will attract more customers to your business.

To find out more social media topics click onto the blog above. Or to ask us any questions please do not hesitate to send an inquiry form.

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