Choose the right category for your business page

Have a business profile as well as a business page for your business avoid advertising on a personal profile. Show what interests you as a business person. Have a sign-up button attached, have your face as the profile picture, and additionally have the Facebook tabs about, services, photos, etc visible and at the top of the list.

Get a vanity URL

What do people search to get your business page up? Make sure that this matches your brand name as you do not want to get clients or customers confused when they are trying to find your business. this will result in a loss of profit!

Optimize your photos

How? Use your brand colours to create a cover photo that is a call to action.

Your business profile display picture to advertise your business logo.

Call of action

Make sure your call of action is appropriate for your business page needs. You can have:

  • Book now
  • Contact us
  • Use app
  • Play game
  • Shop now
  • Sign up
  • Watch video

We follow the 70-20-10 rule! Post original content 70% of the time. Post content relevant to your followers’ interests 20% of the time. Post-self-promotional content 10% of the time. This way you keep your posts varied and exciting for customers and clients visiting your Facebook page or group.

You might even mix it up with questions, callouts, or observations about your industry to show you are up to date with your niche and you know exactly predict what the market will do.

Clean up your post images

Don’t blend into what everyone else is doing, get creative with your posts! Find new ways on how to present your products or services by looking at other industries.

Jump onto what is working on Facebook not what your competitor is doing with very little success.

To find out more social media topics click onto the blog above. Or to ask us any questions please do not hesitate to send an inquiry form.
Alternatively, email us on to get started on your personal package!

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