It can be really hard trying to get other people to understand what the topic of your social media is all about- especially if your topic is a specialist company or business. Nowadays, knowing what you want to say just isn’t enough, you have to know how to put it all down in one blog, a 1-minute video, a media caption, or a 140-word tweet to be taken seriously.

There are so many tips floating around on how to improve your social media quality whilst still keeping your message clear, that most people forget about the basics.

We want to help you get out there and know these 4 basic things for any business.

1. Interesting topics that your veiwers or follower would appreciate

It doesn’t matter if you’re using the most up to date memes or interesting subjects if your audience is not interested in what you are saying as it’s irrelevant. A connection with your viewer is one of the most important things to have and you’re not going to do that if what you’re posting is not fit for purpose.

If you are contacted by a brand new viewer and they can easily explain what your content is about, how it can help them, and why they are interested in you then you’ve achieved your purpose.

2. Keywords that are regularly searched for

One of the only ways people are going to find you is by searching for you. Think of how many times you’ve needed something or to know something, how many of those times did you use a search to find what you were looking for? Keep your name simple and easy to remember, avoid underscores and dashes in your main brand name.

If you do not have any keywords used in your bio or status then the option to search you is in effect lost and this means a loss of customers.

The keywords do not need to be fancy as they would be less common. For example, if there were a company that sold homemade children’s clothing and they had their company name as their user name, they would then put in their bio that the clothes were homemade. Thus if anyone searched homemade clothes the clothes company would appear even though that is not in their brand name.

Word Design and description of design.

Your location is also a good keyword. Updating your Facebook or Twitter to allow people to see where you are based can help people in your area to know that you are close by and cause those who are curious to come to your shop and possibly buy.

Even if at the time they are not looking for your service, the fact that you are near to them might make them start to think about where they could use your service. Different media platforms have different ways of using keywords but the principle is still the same.

3. Call for action

What do you want your audience to do after seeing your post? Do you want them to buy a product, sign up as a client, look at new products or deals of the month? Do you want them to go visit your website? (“what do you want?” “It’s not that simple”)

It should always be clear to your audience what you want them to do. If they have to do the searching then they aren’t going to stick around too long. Although being clear and to the point, but you do not want to be blunt. Your audience should know and be intrigued by your company and want to learn more.

Hyperlinks and hashtags should become your new best friend. Your link to your website should always be in your/description. The hashtag #linkinbio should be featured in your posts.

On mediums like Facebook, there is an option to add a button to your page or posts that either says “Learn More” “Book Now” or “Shop Now”, always make sure to have hyperlinked your website.

4. Have a USP on all mediums of media

You have to make sure that your company sticks out from the rest. Having a Unique Selling Point makes you different and gives your audience a reason to choose you. This USP should be able to be transferred over to different mediums of social media.

These mediums should start by showing different areas of your business but when brought together should show a colourful picture. You want to show your audience that you are unified across the board. Confusion isn’t an attribute you want to incite to your business as it could tell the customer that you are not concerned about the customer service.

These 4 basic steps will bring you social media game up, but also help you to connect more with your audience or viewers. These steps will educate you, viewers, on your product, and form loyal bonds with them for future purchases.

To find out more social media topics click onto the blog above. Or to ask us any questions please do not hesitate to send an inquiry form.
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