Terms & conditions

This is the Terms of Service Agreement (the “Agreement”) sets forth the terms and conditions on which you (the “Client”) has engaged Social Media Help to perform certain Services as outlined in these Terms and Conditions of Service.

This is a legally binding ‘agreement’ between you and Social Media Help.

By becoming a Social Media Help Client when choosing a service, you agree to be legally bound by the terms and conditions set forth in this ‘Agreement’.

The “Starting Date” of this Agreement shall be the date on which you submit your order for Services to Social Media Help on our website, through our services.

2. Our Services:

Social Media Help will provide the Services to each Client as outlined on the Social Media Help website (www.SocialMedia-Help.co.uk).

2. Our Obligations to you as a Client:

2.a Social Media Help will provide Services to the Client in accordance with Social Media Help`s standard private policies, procedures and service terms agreed to by both parties.

Social Media Help reserves the right to reject Clients for any other reason, in Social Media Help’ sole discretion, to preserve the business image and company values.

Social Media Help will be responsible for all aspects of providing the Services agreed to on purchase to your business.

2.b All Social Media Help rules, policies and operating procedures concerning your privacy, pricing in the services we provide, our customer service, and all other aspects of the Services will apply, and Social Media Help may change its rules regarding the policies and operating procedures from time to time in its sole discretion, for the safeguarding of the team members of Social Media Help.

By signing up, you agree that your logo and any testimonials provided over any Social Media Help platforms, reviews, or feedback on anything internet wise can be used on our website, google or social media profiles as posts.

3. Our Fees and Payments

3.a All fees for Services provided to the Client are due and payable in full, in advance of provision of any Service your company purchases.

A valid credit card for monthly payment of fees will remain securely on file by Social Media Help to cover any monthly recurring charges for services you have agreed to pay.

If this is cancelled or changed after the 14-day cancellation then the service that has been chosen will not be refunded due to time and cost, as work will have already commenced.

Plans and packages can be downgraded or cancelled at any stage before the clients next billing date, but not after if payment fails.

Payment will be taken for work already completed for the month, to cancel you must cancel the day of payment or contact us on our email or call our phone number to cancel the next payment.

Any work done up to the cancellation will be deducted from the monthly cost, this applies after the 14-day cancellation date. This will be determined by the quantity of posts and how much they cost individually on the website.

3.b Initial charges for service will be paid in advance of services you have purchased.

Thereafter, Social Media Help will attempt to charge Client’s credit card on the monthly anniversary date of the client first ordering services from Social Media Help.
If the charges are not paid by the due date for any reason, this will result in a suspension of Social Media Help’s Services to your business until full payment is received to Social Media Help in the PayPal payment box. You will need to apply again for the same service that you previously were on through PayPal.

Suspension of Services for non-payment will not result in a refund of the fees accumulated.

3.c Except in the case of a material breach of this agreement by Social Media Help, Social Media Help does not issue refunds of any fees for any reason.

A 14-Day money back guarantee is available ONLY to those clients that sign up online using our secure checkout on PayPal, and once the 14th day after payment of the first month is reached, no refund will be given under any circumstance.

4. The Warranty Disclaims

Social Media Help expressly disclaims any and all warranties regarding or relating to this agreement, the services from the company or any materials or assistance provided to the client express or implied, including without the limitation of the warranties or merchantability, the performance or dealing with practice, trade, titles, non-infringement and fitness for any particular purpose between the client and Social Media Help.

5. Indemnity

Client will indemnify and hold harmless Social Media Help and its previous, continuous, and new customers, any suppliers, any directors, any officers, any agents and any employees from and against any and all losses, costs, damages, liabilities and expenses (including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys` fees) arising out of or relating to any breach by Clients of any of the terms of this Agreement.

6. Limitation of Liability

Social Media Help shall not be liable to client or any entity or person claiming through or under client for any loss of profit or income or other indirect, consequential, incidental, or special damages, whether in an action for contract or a wrongful act or an infringement of a right (other than under contract) leading to legal liability, in connection with this agreement, even if social media help has been advised of the possibility of any damages.

In no event shall Social Media Help’ be in liability to the client hereunder exceed the amount paid to social media help by client for the previous one (1) month of services provided.
This limit will not increase of more than one claim and will not enlarge the limit of it.

The Client acknowledges that these limitations of liability are an essential element of the bargain or agreement first set between the two parties agreeing and that in their absence the terms and conditions of this agreement would be substantially different to the business at question.

In the event of the client’s social media accounts/pages being hacked or deleted Social Media Help will not be held accountable in any circumstance for any of these, and no refund will be issued under any circumstance to the business implying a refund for services.

7. Miscellaneous

This Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the United Kingdom without regard to its rules pertaining to conflict of laws of the UK.

Any litigation or dispute resolution with this Agreement shall take place in Braford in West Yorkshire, and the parties of the dispute hereby consent to the jurisdiction of the courts located therein.

Except as otherwise expressly set forth herein, any notice required or permitted is to be given under this Agreement between Social Media Help and the business in question, it shall be sufficient if in writing, in the English language, and sent via post, return receipt requested.

If any part of this Agreement shall be held by a court competent jurisdiction to be unenforceable, that part will be severed only to the extent necessary to the case, and the remaining parts of this Agreement will remain in full force and effect.

The waiver of any breach or default of this Agreement will not constitute a waiver of any subsequent breach or default and will not act to amend or negate the rights of the waiving party.

For our Social Media plans, we take a few things from you so that we Social Media Help can do our job effectively.

1.1 – What we Gather:

We gather data from yourself which includes your:

– Email address – To contact you about Content & to get you signed up to our Mail List if that is something you choose

– Passwords & Usernames for your Social Media Accounts used to post content

– Scheduling Posts Username and Password such as Hootsuite and Buffer etc

– Payment details to gain payment from your business card or personal card

– Phone Number to get into contact with you

– Business Card Details – this is only if you have not set up the service on Facebook for Facebook Ads & Instagram Ads, alternatively you are able to do this yourself. *Upon completion we will delete all information linked to your business.

*Your information will also be stored in an excel sheet for Social Media Help, to keep a record of ongoing customers, to show us what your plan is for Social Media and your requirements are as a Business. *

1.2 – Who do we share your information to?

We do not pass any information over to 3rd Parties and we promptly delete your passwords and usernames when we are no longer doing social media for your business.

Every time we need to set up a new account for your Business that will help you with Social Media such as the mainstream platforms E.g. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Scheduling systems we will ask you before setting these up. * You will also have the username and password so you can check at any time what we are doing for your business.

We are using as a Business Microsoft Office for emails and Mail Chimp to send out bulk emails to customers for new deals, offers consultations and welcoming messages.

For our website we are using a platform called WordPress and hosted by Revbit Technologies. We use our website to collect responses from new customers and existing customers if they would like to purchase another service.
Google Passwords on our computers help to have easy returning access to your Business Account Social Media profiles. *This includes your usernames and passwords.
Trello which you can see on your businesses individual board what we have post on your social media profiles.

Hootsuite or Buffer is where we will be scheduling your posts, you can also see what will be posted. If you do not like what is posted on this, you are able to change the content on each post. But we will not be responsible for any problems that develop from this or loss of followers or potential engagement from customers and potential clients/the general public.

Hotjar is used to track what is working on our Social Media Help website and see how we can improve in our website. We can not see your passwords or any other personal information.

Revbit helped to make the website for Social Media Help and has no access to personal client information stored by Social Media Help.
*We will not take any responsibility for any of these companies if they get hacked by an outside source. Or if any information is leaked by these companies. *

Hubspot is used to be able to not miss any messages from your business and helps us to know everything about your account with us. This includes how many posts, if your service has been cancelled, if you are exempt from paying for one month due to a referral, etc. This helps everyone to keep on the same page and provide the best service for your business.

1.3 – Where is my information stored? Is it Safe?

All information stored about your business is stored away on a lock device such as a computer with fingerprint access to only the ones using your accounts.

We also keep all work that is produced in a file on Google Drive which only has members of the team that is connected to project of your Social Media Plan. You can also be connected to this account and can see all work and information we have stored on your business.
* Effectively if your company has chosen for our business Social Media Help to choose the content as well as posting it out, you will only have your Business Details and Invoices Stored on Google Drive for easy access.

To work on your content we may ask you to join our Team on a programme named Trello which is Free, this is so you are able to actively comment on work that is being produced for you company and to schedule out weekly work for us to produce.

Effectively if your company has chosen for our business Social Media Help to choose the content as well as posting it out, you will not have to join Trello to see the content being produced as we do it straight from your account in Hootsuite.

If you have contacted us through the Social Media Help website, we have Google Analytics that sees which pages you have been on, this is only to track customer behaviour, so we know what is working and what isn’t on our pages.

Your information will also be stored in an excel sheet for Social Media Help, to keep a record of ongoing customers, to show us what your plan is for Social Media and your requirements are as a Business. * This has a lock on the Excel sheet and is not passed around to anyone other than the relevant staff members that need to access this*

Google passwords also stores passwords for easy access back into social media accounts that you have granted us access.
By accessing PayPal on our website, you are agreeing to use PayPal as a way of payment, and we are not liable for any information stored on their part.

1.4 – Can I Access My Information when I want to?

As a paying customer at any time you are able to ask for your information that we have gathered from you, and able to cancel your contract or withdraw your consent with Social Media Help with your information deleted from our database – this includes all the information listed above in section 1.1.

*Once deleted you will have to provide your businesses information again so that one our team members in Social Media Help, is able to access your Social Media Profiles and to be able to effectively communicate, produce content and store the correct information. *

1.5 – What if I want to Access My Information?

If you would like to access your information stored by Social Media Help at any time please put in your request in plain English, so that we are able to provide for you what you have stated.

*Please put your request in on a Word PDF document with your Business Name, Name of the person asking for the information, the Address and signature at the bottom of the request. *

1.6 – What if I do not want to comply to the Social Media Help GDPR rules?

If you have clicked no to Social Media Help Consent for us to take the following bullet pointed needed information to run your Social Media, we will not be able to continue working with your business as we do not have permission for access to be able hold your information.

Additional consent will be needed for MailChimp, Trello, Google Drive and other programmes that we need to make your content. *
You can say no to these at any time as we can work around these minor setbacks* – Please note if we are not able to use all the possible addition programmes our standard of work, communication and delivery time may be affected and no refund will be deducted due to this.

1.7 – How do I give consent?

We have several points of contact that you can consent to if you wish.
1. Facebook – Our Email Form that collects your email to be added to our email list on MailChimp.
2. Social Media Help Website – Our contact email to consent to Social Media Help taking your email address when you contact us on this only.
And through consent in payment for a service.
3. A Word PDF document to sign stating the forms of information we will be storing in which programmes.
4. If we are making new accounts for your Social Media Profile Online – These will be listed on a Word PDF Document tailored for your business Needs. (As a business you will need to sign and tick the relevant boxes in this form then scan & return to info@socialmedia-help.co.uk email for us to proceed with work.) * This is not a contract just a document stating what you would like to agree with*

1.8 – How Social Media Help get rid of information?
· We have a Business Shredder that destroys any information that we have printed off.
· Disposing of the information gathered by Social Media Help by deleting off our computers and other programmes you have provided consent for.
· Having a company dispose of the information through their professional business shredders.
· Alternatively, we can send you the information for you to shred at your business. (Posting & Packaging will have to be paid by the business requesting the information, which will need to be provided by the business email).

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